February 8, 2016


FUNdamentals of Movement
FUNdamental Movement Skills
FUNdamental Sport Skills

of Movement

What are the ABC's?
The FUNdamentals of Movement (FoM) are the building blocks which set upon the foundations of Active Start. These movements are categorised into the ABC's (Agility,Balance & Coordination). In this developmental stage (5-11) our coaching sessions will encourage children to begin to focus upon improving these FUNdamentals by using multi-skills activities. These activities will look to widen their skills across a number of sports which lead into the next stage of athletic development, FUNdamentals Movement Skills (FMS)   

Movement Skills

In the journey towards Physical Literacy, the foundations of an active start and the building blocks of FoM are then given more detail in the FMS stage of sporting development. Activities in this stage are more focused upon developing skills that are non-sport specific but are transferable skills that can be used in a variety of sports. It is in this stage that children develop their skills in Sending, Receiving, Travelling, Striking and Jumping by engaging in activities that incorporate the FoM and hone these skills in order to improve their Physical Literacy and give a better opportunity to able to develop the skills used in the next developmental stage in becoming Physical Literate, FUNdamental Sports Skills (FSS).

Sports Skills

FUNdamental Sports Skills (FSS) are activities that are designed to develop skills in a more definitive group of sporting activities. Although not sport specific the skills are transferable between sports in each of these groups. Children will develop their abilities by engaging in activities that will have focus upon one or more of the following FMS. Athletics, Net/Wall, Invasion, Striking/Fielding and Creative Movement. These activities will enhance the knowledge and ability gained in the previous FUNdamentals (FoM and FMS) to develop a child's Physical Literacy and encourage a long and healthy lifestyle.